Category: Other NewsPage 37 of 51

Stories not categories under anything else

George Forrest (1873-1932)

Let me tell you about a hero of mine, and the focus of one of the most requested collections stored in the Archives of the Royal Botanic Garden…

What to do in Your Fruit and Vegetable Garden in Scotland: MARCH

March heralds the start of the spring however in Scotland the weather can still be very cold and frosty. Gardening books and seed packets give a range of…

RBGE Complex Thalloid Liverwort Symposium, July 14th-15th 2015

The complex thalloid liverworts, or Marchantiopsida, are one of the oldest land plant lineages, and contain a bewildering array of morphologies, ranging from comparatively simple plants like Blasia,…

A profusion of spring bulbs

The sand bench within the alpine house contains a swathe of colour. Spring bulbs in full bloom are always a welcome show after the winter. Yellow, the predominant…

January 2015 Garden Wildlife Report

The first month of 2015 started off mild, bringing out a few invertebrates, but turned colder from mid-month with some frosts and light snow. There were a few…

The last dig

In the next few weeks the site which was once home to the Botanic Cottage and one of the remaining fragments of the long lost Leith Walk Botanic…

From the herbarium, with love…

Whilst digitising the British algae, we have been finding some interesting and beautiful seaweeds. This Dilsea carnosa, collected in Shetland, is particularly appropriate with Valentines day this weekend……

How big was our garden?

It has become second nature to look to Wikipedia for a summary of a subject. So when I was looking for a brief paragraph on the history of…

Edinburgh Living Landscape – RBGE partnership

A fantastic new project is taking place within Edinburgh City – the Edinburgh Living Landscape The Edinburgh Living Landscape (ELL) is a groundbreaking initiative which brings together the…

A showy Iris to start the alpine season

Deep loamy clay soil suits this bulbous Iris presently in flower in the alpine house. With the proviso that when watering none should fall on the foliage. Collected…

Botanics Bird Report – 2014

Last year, 2014, was a good year for bird recording in the Botanics. 63 bird species were recorded during 2014. This is one more than 2013 and the…

A delight from the Orient

Helleborus orientalis found growing through southern Europe and into SW Asia. Seed to grow this plant was collected in Georgia from a plant growing with Primula sp. on…

Yellowhammer, yet another bird for the Garden’s list

On 3 January 2015, Gavin Powell, one of the RBGE Visitor Welcome team, spotted an unusual bird with bright yellow head perched on brambles opposite the Cryptogamic Garden….

Crossing continents

Carpeting the ground beneath Picea orientalis are the remains of cones that have been stripped of seed by the Gardens grey squirrel population. They have systematically worked their…

December 2014 Garden Wildlife Report

December 2014 was a month of varied weather, starting rather cold but sunny with some slight frosts, with a wetter, stormier period in the middle of the month,…

Strawberry fields

Duchesnea indica carries an interesting berry resembling a miniature strawberry. This invasive stoloniferous ground covering plant was introduced from Taiwan where it was growing in sub-tropical rainforest. Quite…

Season’s Greetings from All @BotanicsStories

As the year comes to an end we wish everyone who has been involved in reading and writing stories about the Botanics in 2014 a Merry Christmas and…

Hygrophorus hypothejus- the Herald Of Winter

The appearance of Hygrophorus hypothejus– commonly known as The Herald of Winter- traditionally signals the beginning of winter and the end of the mushroom season. Hygrophorus mushrooms- commonly…

Awns on the pod

Euonymus spraguei is a recent introduction from Taiwan, found growing in cool temperate coniferous forest from 1100 – 2800m in association with Chamaecyparis formosensis, Pinus armandii, P.taiwanensis, Tsuga…

December progress

Three months into the contruction phase of the project, elements of the Botanic Cottage are now really starting to take shape. It’s wonderful to see the outline of…