Category: Other NewsPage 36 of 51

Stories not categories under anything else

Private Allan Menzies (1894-1915) – photo found

5th Cameron Highlanders.  Reported missing, presumed killed, on the 25th September 1915 at the Battle of Loos. We were delighted to be sent this photograph recently of Private…

March 2015 Garden Wildlife Report

March 2015 was another chilly month that ended, just after “Summer” Time began, with showers of hail and sleet. Two species were added to the Garden’s invertebrate list…

John Muir Award Sharing

One of the John Muir Award challenges is about sharing. This can take many forms including painting, writing, poetry and even just discussing your experiences. Each of the…

The magnificent axillary hairs of Leptobryum wilsonii

What sorts of features provide the best clues about whether or not two plants are closely related? Sometimes it’s obvious – most people can correctly recognise a daffodil…

John Muir at the Botanics

John Muir seems to have been a prominent feature at the Botanics over the last 6 months or so. During the Autumn and Winter we had the exhibition…

Lichens as Air Quality Indicators

As part of the Edinburgh Living Landscape (ELL), the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is exploring Lichens as Air Quality Indicators. This is a joint project between The Conservation…

Cars, lorries, planes, buses and lichen surveying

  With the help of the brilliant Lothian Buses journey planner I travel by bus today. Surely it’s one of the hottest days of the year so far. …

Pollution and Pests?

Regularly hitting moderate levels for pollution, as monitored and recorded by the 91 Air Quality Monitoring Stations that are situated across Edinburgh and the central belt of Scotland,…

Once is not always enough

Some sites you just have to visit twice.  Unexpected hail and snow blizzards when surveying are just part of the course, but add strong winds to that, and…

Decline and rise of nature play

The drastic decline in the time children spend outdoors is a concern for most parents. A recent survey of 2000 parents commissioned by the Eco Attractions Group (of…

Fresh Green Southern Beech


Exterminate, exterminate! – a portal into another world

I’m heading to a new part of town to find my next air quality monitoring station and to spice up the journey I take a route suggested by…

Air quality monitoring – a view from the inside

Today as part of my survey on lichens as indicators of air quality we head out of the city to the foot of the Pentlands, well almost. Bush…

Coffee from Africa to Edinburgh and back again

  This week bags of coffee beans have been arriving by post in preparation for the Coffee with a Shot of Science event on 4 April, part of…

The journey begins

The journey begins.  8am.  I’ve just cycled north to south through the bustling traffic heavy centre of Edinburgh.  I arrive, lock up my bike, pull out a clip…

Rosularia muratdaghensis

I recieved a request from a member of the Scottish Rock Garden Club from the Czech Republic interested in seeing an image of a plant we have growing…

Watching – Plants & Sleep

Last night saw the final performance of Watching, a collaborative project between musicians, historians, sleep scientists and primary schools which began in January 2014. The Garden provided the…

February 2015 Garden Wildlife Report

February 2015 was chilly for the most part with temperatures mostly not rising above 7 degrees C, and with a light snowfall near the beginning of the month….

Wildfood Sami Style

I spent an hour today in a discussion with a group of MSc Gastronomy students from Queen Margaret University considering whether there is a distinctive Scottish cuisine. More…

Finding minimally databased Forrest specimens

George Forrest was first sent to China in 1904 by the Regius Keeper Isaac Bayley Balfour. On this and six subsequent expeditions Forrest collected prolifically in NW Yunnan,…