Category: Other NewsPage 8 of 51

Stories not categories under anything else

The Other Library, Archives & Photography Team

A series of posts from our volunteers … Karissa Adams My time as a volunteer with RBGE began in January 2019, when I was studying Book History and…

In memory of Alexander Fisher Wilson

We recently received the sad news that one of RBGE’s longest standing photography volunteers had passed away. Alex Wilson was recruited as a photography volunteer in 2000 by…

Connecting with plants

Greg Kenicer and Marjorie Lotfi Gill in conversation for Book Week Scotland To mark Book Week Scotland 2020, botanist and author Greg Kenicer from the Garden’s Education team…

Behind the Scenes of Scottish Conservation Horticulture at RBGE with a Robertson Trust Intern

The Scottish Rare Plant Programme is a collaborative project between the Science and Horticulture divisions here at RBGE. Our aim is to identify the ways that we as…

Reginald Farrer: A Centenary Tribute by Graham Avery, FLS

Reginald Farrer (1880-1920) was a remarkable botanist whose correspondence and photographs are among the treasures of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Archives. Many of the species that he…

Growing Panes

As many will have observed, there have been some major refurbishment works ongoing at the RBGE’s iconic Temperate Palmhouse over the past few months. These works are to…

Join the expedition team exploring the Flora of Britain and Ireland for WeDigBio 2020

Join us virtually as we take part in the 2020 edition of the Worldwide Engagement for Digitising Biocollections, WeDigBio.

Workshop invitation: After the crowds disperse: crowdsourced data rediscovered and researched

***Deadline for expressions of interest extended to 30th October 17:00 UTC.*** You put your images in, your data come out – that’s what crowdsourcing’s all about! It sounds…

The Sibbaldia & PlantNetwork Conference 2020: Promoting Excellence in Horticulture

Without the garden and glasshouses there would be no RBGE. The care and curation of the landscape and plants of RBGE is carried out by over 70 horticulturists,…

RBGE 1970-2020

Rediscovering a fifty-year old article prompted us to explore RBGE’s last half-century at the forefront of science, conservation, horticulture and learning. 2020 will inevitably go down in history…

Fungi-inspired fabrics

Anna Stoane is a Multidisciplinary Textiles Designer who recently graduated from Edinburgh College of Art. Anna’s graduate collection The Hidden Kingdom was inspired by ten species of fungi…

Climate change threatens the survival of one of Scotland’s most biodiverse marine habitats

Maerl beds are one of the world’s most biodiverse habitats – but most people haven’t even heard of them! Maerl, a free-living red seaweed with a hard calcium…

Closing the Loop

In March 2020, RBGE was due to host ‘Closing the Loop’ in partnership with Applied Arts Scotland – a workshop for makers exploring environmentally sustainable approaches to materials and making, to complement the Think Plastic exhibition in the John Hope Gateway. However, the temporary closure of the Garden, due to COVID-19, shifted this workshop into the virtual realm. The title of this discursive workshop ‘Closing the Loop’ drew on the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s concept of circular economies, as described by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Harvest Festival produce competition

If you’ve been growing your own vegetables this year why not take part in the Edible Gardening Project’s harvest festivities? Take part in our produce competition by submitting your photos and help us celebrate our love of homegrown veg!

Seeds of Hope: Planting of Ginkgo trees grown from trees that survived the Hiroshima bombing

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Nursery have been growing on some very special seeds. In 2015 seeds were gifted to the City of Edinburgh as part of the…

RBGE Botanic Cottage Garden Social July Blog

On the first Friday of each month the Botanic Cottage hosts a drop-in session for those living with dementia and their family members, always with an RBGE inspired theme. Due to Covid 19 restrictions we are now producing a written form of these sessions and send out paper copies to anyone who might not easily access a computer. Any films included can be sent out on a DVD for them to access too.

Monitoring the Health of the World’s Forgotten Forests

More than half of the tropics are too dry to support moist forest and are instead home to dry forest and savanna. Today RBGE has led the publication of a new protocol for permanent forest plots in dry forests.

Using Herbarium Specimens to Understand Patterns of Plant Diversity

The oldest specimens in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh was collected in 1697, a little over 320 years ago. It was collected by Alexander Brown…

Chloris Via-Melvilliana – addendum, June 2020

Botanopithecus has continued to watch for the arrival of new plants in the street. Six of those recorded in 2005, but not seen on 6 May, have now…

Botanical Artist Marianne Hazlewood to be featured on Gardener’s World

Those of us familiar with the work of Marianne Hazlewood at the Botanics will be interested to know that she is featured in an up coming BBC Gardener’s…