Category: Other NewsPage 9 of 51

Stories not categories under anything else

The Botanic Cottage

I was studying History and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh with a focus on architectural archaeology. I had no idea how important the stories held in the stones of this unassuming cottage would become to me.

Six new species of Vaccinium from New Guinea

Six new species of Vaccinium (the genus containing the blueberry and cranberry) from New Guinea have just been published in the Edinburgh Journal of Botany. These are the…

The Other Library, Archives & Photography Team

A series of posts from our volunteers … Laura Gunstensen – Library Volunteer The ‘Botanics’ have always been a very special place for me since I arrived, fresh…

The Other Library, Archives & Photography Team

A series of posts from our volunteers … Helen Bennett A period of secondment from Scottish Arts Council in 2006 confirmed my ambition to volunteer with Royal Botanic…

The Other Library, Archives & Photography Team

A series of posts from our volunteers … Jane Gardner My name is Jane Gardner and I am retired.  I have lived in Edinburgh for nearly six years…

Why it takes 100 years to get to know a plant

At the Botanics we discover new species – it’s one of the things, in addition to growing plants and telling people about them, that we have been doing…

The Other Library, Archives & Photography Team

A series of posts from our volunteers … Paul and Ruth Maxwell We came to be Volunteers at RBGE quite by chance in that while attending a Fine…

Access to Scholarly Information During the Coronavirus Closures

As with all other aspects of our lives, the Coronavirus pandemic has impacted on the scholarly communication process. With most libraries closed, a number of publishers have made…

March 2020 Garden Wildlife Report

March 2020 came in like a rather timid lion, rather windy but not nearly as stormy as February, and went out like a lamb. Weather-wise it was a…

Early Warning Signs

In a time of such unpredictable global conditions, we can’t pull ourselves away from thinking about the timely delivery of RBGE’s newly adopted artwork Early Warning Signs. Taking up a prominent position at the entrance to Inverleith House at the beginning of this year, it seems only too fitting that the spinning ‘climate/change’ (‘change/climate’) sign arrived during a particularly stormy January.

Plants Need Plant

As we all try to manage as best we can through these challenging times both personally and professionally, it’s worth reflecting on the criticality of team work within…

Botanic Cottage Cook Club April 2020

Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s been freshly prepared by the group. Sadly, the garden is now closed to the public during the Covid-19 pandemic, but we won’t let that stop us! Cottage Cook Club tutor Ailsa has prepared some great recipes from store cupboard ingredients to encourage us to keep home cooking and keep eating right. Over to Ailsa…

New Plant Identification App for Nepal

RBGE’s Flora of Nepal team have partnered with vegetation ecologist Elizabeth Byers, Nepal’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, and High Country Apps to produce Wildflowers of…

#plantrainbow – Primrose

The primrose, Primula vulgaris, is one of the most evocative and widely-known heralds of spring. If you are lucky enough to know a wild place where this beautiful…

Sunshine for you!

In early spring, even the smallest bloom is a cause for celebration. Narcissus also known as Daffodils are always the first to arrive in our gardens and what…

Part 2/2: ‘Sensing and Presencing the Imperceptible’, Siân Bowen’s Micro-conference

Alessandra Leruste has been a Volunteer gallery assistant with Inverleith House since 2019. Alessandra has an MA in History of art from the University of Edinburgh and has her own art-writing blog. Here, Alessandra shares her experience from the afternoon of Siân Bowen’s micro-conference at RBGE.

Part 1/2: ‘Sensing and Presencing the Imperceptible’, Siân Bowen’s Micro-conference

Klaudia Jaworska is in her third year at Edinburgh Napier University, studying International Festivals and Events Management and Marketing. As part of her course, she is currently carrying out a work placement in RBGE’s Public Engagement Department. Here, Klaudia shares her experience from the morning of Siân Bowen’s micro-conference at RBGE.

Magnolia sargentiana

Tucked away in the upper woodland garden and easily missed is Magnolia sargentiana. Not as prolific a flowerer as Magnolia ‘Charles Raffill’, the flowers it does produce are…

Learning on the job: students make valuable scientific discoveries

“Hey Zoë, we’ve found a Pinguicula!” “I doubt it, they don’t grow in Belize.” “Well, this is definitely a Pinguicula.” With that conversation shouted across a hillside, we…

February 2020 Garden Wildlife Report

February 2020 will be remembered both locally and nationally for its exceptionally high rainfall, for the frequency of stormy weather, and for its lack of sunshine. There were…