Month: May 2012

Time to plant out frost tender vegetables

The last frost date for the Edinburgh area is generally around May, just to be on the safe side though most local vegetable growers wait until June before…

Late to leaf; worth the wait

Struggling to flower in our climate, it is heartening to find a scattering of soft lilac coloured buds held tightly to the older wood of Cercis griffithii. It…

Cocoa Tree

  Family: Malvaceae Description Cocoa is an evergreen tropical tree, usually 5 to 8m tall. The flowers are small, yellowish white to pale pink and grow directly from…

Floral spring flush

Deutzia purpurascens a deciduous twiggy shrub of light structure which nonetheless manages to develop into an impenetrable tangle of growth. A native to Western China, found on steep…

Space saving in the veg garden with double cropping

If you look very closely at the picture you will see that there are two different vegetable seedlings germinating in the same row. We sowed our parsnips in…

Rainbow arc

Leucothoe fontanesiana ‘Rainbow’, this cultivar of the Ericaceous family is growing in the sheltered and shaded sunken north facing courtyard of the front glasshouse range. Lush shiny foliage…

Quick plot manicure

One of the quickest way to improve the overall image of a plot or a garden is to mow, edge and top dress. This week I took on…

Pea and bean support

Most of last week I spent on building support structures for my peas, beans and sweet peas. I went for the cane and twine fence idea and constructed…

A fine introduction

The truss of blooms on Rhododendron sinofalconeri is worthy of show merit. The colour and form are first class. Give this 16 year old plant time to mature…

Communities in Nature – the social role of botanic gardens

Some weeks ago I mentioned that we received some funding through the Botanic Garden Conservation International (BGCI) and their Communities in Nature project. Communities in Nature is an…

Equisetum myriochaetum

Latin Name: Equisetum myriochaetum Cham. & Schltr. Common Name: Giant horsetail Distribution: Central Mexico to Peru Habitat: Prefers fertile wet soil and is found in tropical and subtropical…

Cupressus cashmeriana

Latin Name: Cupressus cashmeriana Royle ex Carrière Common Name: Bhutan Cypress, Kashmir Cypress Distribution: West central Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh Habitat: Monsoon forest of Eastern Himalayer and south…

Myrtillocactus geometrizans

Latin Name: Myrtillocactus geometrizans (C.Mart.) Console Common Name: Bilberry Cactus, Whortleberry Cactus or Blue Candle Cactus Distribution: Central & Southern Mexico Habitat: Stony and sandy soils in deciduous…

Gnetum montanum

Latin Name: Gnetum montanum Markgr. Common Name: Gam nui, Sot nui Distribution: Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Sikkim, Thailand, Vietnam Habitat: Subtropical broadleaf forests Description: Evergreen, climber; branches…

Euphorbia virosa

Latin Name: Euphorbia virosa Willd. Common Name: Gifboom, Poisoned Tree Distribution: South Africa to Southern Angola. Habitat: Stony and sandy soils. Occupying arid areas Description: A succulent spiny…

Encephalartos natalensis

Latin Name: Encephalartos natalensis R.A.Dyer & I. Verd. Common Name: Natal giant cycad Distribution: Endemic to South Africa (Eastern Cape & KwaZulu-Natal) Habitat: On cliffs in open forests…

May blob

Caltha palustris, a lush growing plant with a wide distribution covering the temperate northern hemisphere. It has the most unfortunate common name; “May blob”, referring to the golden…

May 2012: Cypripedium

Cypripediums have a reputation for being very difficult to grow and even more difficult to acquire. Plants in the wild have become rare due to changes in land…