Search results: "botanic cottage"Page 19 of 27

Alpinia zerumbet

5. Alpinia zerumbet (Persoon) B.L. Burtt & R.M. Smith ZINGIBERACEAE Shell ginger It is not certain where this plant was originally native, but somewhere in tropical South or South-East Asia….

Really Wild Veg – 2014 photo diary

…soil sample so that the influence of soil on plant chemistry can be assessed. Josh and Mark at the marquee in Cruickshank Botanic Garden. The Botanics buggy gets pressed into…

Betula utilis var. jacquemontii

70. Betula utilis D. Don var. jacquemontii (Spach) Winkler BETULACEAE Himalayan silver birch, Jacquemont’s birch; Hindi: bhojpattra, भोजपत्र Herbarium label written on a strip of birch bark, 1864, from the…

Patchwork Meadow

Installation shot of Patchwork Meadow exhibition, Gateway Gallery, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Wild plants are not only part of our landscape, they are integral to our culture and history. Plantlife’s…

Dimocarpus longan

2. Dimocarpus longan Loureiro SAPINDACEAE Longyen, longan; Bengali: ashphal, आशफल A small tree related to the lychee and native of South and South-East Asia. It is cultivated for its timber…

Three white flowers to cheer us into midsummer week

A member of the Iris family, Iridaceae, Diplarrena latifolia has individual flowers of interesting shape composed of six tepals. The three largest pure white, the smaller tepals have distinctive purple…

The Wee World of Lichens Trail: 3 Azalea Lawn

…and more resilient to change. Air pollution sensitive fruticose (bushy) lichen Usnea subfloridana growing on the Azalea branches In the 1970’s there were no bushy lichens in the Royal Botanic

Disentangling the history of the Robert Brown specimens at RBGE

…were still held separate from the main collections. In 1837, Robert Brown became the first Keeper of the Botanical Department at British Museum and continued in post until his death…

Roscoea auriculata

…the largely tropical ginger family. It was named by James Edward Smith after William Roscoe. Roscoe was a Liverpool banker, one of the founders of the Liverpool Botanic Garden, an…

RBGE’s World War Two Memorial

…My starting point – the information about the men on the memorial published in the Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, v.21 – as we’ll see below, some of…

British Council workshop on Valuing Andean Biodiversity

…of Exeter, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina. Workshop participants from the UK, Peru, USA and from seven Latin American countries met to share their data…

Tabernaemontana divaricata

7. Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R. Brown APOCYNACEAE Crepe jasmine, moonbeam, East Indian rosebay; Hindi: chandani, चांदनी This small tree is native to India but it is widely cultivated as an…

RBGE to Host International Scientific Conference

Next month the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh will host the 10th International Flora Malesiana Symposium (11-15th July). This will bring together Taxonomists, Horticulturists and Conservationist to discuss the flora of…

Diamond is a researchers best friend- the evolution of the Edinburgh Journal of Botany

The Edinburgh Journal of Botany was established in 1900 by the then Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden (RBGE), Isaac Bayley Balfour. Published under the title, Notes from the…

Waiting for Rhododendron mogeanum

Rhododendron mogeanum Argent. CASK 63 Accession Number:20110220*A Photo: Lynsey Wilson. Rhododendron mogeanum has flowered in the Vireya research collection at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for what we think is the…

Musa sikkimensis

…but not formally described until 1878 by Sulpiz Kurz, curator of the herbarium of the Calcutta Botanic Garden. The Lepchas, the indigenous people of Sikkim, knew the plant as ‘tiang-moo-foo-goom’,…

A Gardener at War, by Freda Child

…Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh between 1888 and 1922 Papaver rhoeas in J.H. Kniphof’s ‘Botanica in Originali seu Herbarium Vivum’, V: Halae Magdeburgicae (1762) The guns cease their…

Rare plants and rare skills

…Grant based in Belize, which is led by Belize Botanic Gardens to develop and train local smallholders in agroforestry. As part of this project, RBGE is working with Belize Botanic

Botanical Drawings made in Nepal for Nathaniel Wallich in 1821 by Vishnupersaud and Gorachand

…1879, and not without considerable acrimony, Kew received all the botanical material – in vast quantities. Among the economic botanical material were 36 tons of wood samples (largely subsequently destroyed),…


…(see example above) featuring individual tree portraits, woodland scenes and life-sized illustrations of leaves, fruits and flowers will be presented at botanic gardens in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland. Each…