PROTREE is using Scots pine as an example to explore how forestry can encourage resilience in our tree populations. Tackling the tree health problems caused by an ever expanding number…
Sutherland kale flowering at RBGE. An internet search for Sutherland kale produces quite a lot of hits. This leafy brassica seems to be a bit of a sensation among foody…
One of my furthest sites from Edinburgh – Peebles A trip to the borders ensued for this surveying site – with Peebles being my destination. After a beautiful but rather…
New Reekie is still drawing a crowd even though it is now begining to look past its best. Today (30th June 2015) the skirt-like spathe that wraps around the central…
…on architectural archaeology. I had no idea how important the stories held in the stones of this unassuming cottage would become to me. The reconstructed Botanic Cottage from 1765…
With the sun shining on the canopy of Acer saccharum we are reminded that the autumn equinox passed and the day length is now shorter than the hours of darkness….
Pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo) can be grown in Scotland if you have a reasonably sheltered garden and the summer is not a complete washout! My favourite recipe, which is also very…
Autumn in the Cryptogamic Garden, 5 November 2015. Photo Robert Mill. November began as October ended, quiet and mild. However after the first few days there was an abrupt change…
There is renewed optimism for the future of ash trees in the UK, following new research which has identified genetic markers for susceptibility to Ash Dieback caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus….
Here at Inverleith House we are very much enjoying Pablo Bronstein’s botanically-inspired artwork, The Birth of the Skyscraper from Botanical Architecture, 2015 (detail), and Early Industrial Landscape, 2016 (wallpaper), made…
Inverleith Park, Edinburgh Just one of the amazing things about lichens is… You don’t have to go to a tropical rainforest, the Caledonian Forest or the far west coast of…
The ‘fungi’ is creating a protective ‘body’ for the algae (hi-viz & see-through umbrella) whilst holding on to the substrate (a stick in this case). The algae, sheltering under the…