Author: Max ColemanPage 7 of 9

New plant for Midlothian found in Botanics

Discovery of a plant previously unknown in an area is not what you might expect to happen within a botanic garden. Such places have large managed collections of…

Really Wild Veg – productivity, pest and disease results from RBGE

On a glorious sunny morning with the first hints of autumn colour in the trees it seemed like as good a time as any to harvest the Really…

Really Wild Veg – Cruickshank Botanic Garden

On the 11th September the Really Wild Veg event at Cruickshank Botanic Garden was fortunate to have gorgeous sunny weather. Around 50 staff and students came to the…

Really Wild Veg – taste testing

Harvest time is when we can finally taste the products of our labours in the vegetable garden. The Really Wild Veg project has been using blind taste tests…


TRANSPLANTED is a celebration of the diversity of Scotland’s plant life and its music. This new project is the brainchild of violinist Alice Rickards and cellist Sonia Cromarty…

Really Wild Veg – first results and Aberdeen event

Now that we are coming to harvest time we will shortly be able to measure the crops in the Really Wild Veg trials to see how they have…

In search of rust

Small orange/brown pustules on the leaves of plants could be a sign of infection by a rust fungus. James Iremonger, Heriot Watt University Student, will be searching Edinburgh…

Adapting to climate change

In May, Scotland published its first Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme –  a set of actions to increase Scotland’s resilience to the impacts of a changing climate. RBGE…

Really Wild Veg – Cruickshank Botanic Garden

Thanks to Josh at Cruickshank Botanic Garden for providing a further update on progress with the Really Wild Veg growing trials. The carrots grown under glass have all…

Really Wild Veg – July update

New interpretation panels have been installed to help explain the purpose of the Really Wild Veg growing trials across four gardens in Scotland. At the Botanics the panels…

Result of the midsummer tree hug

At 8pm an air horn sounded the start of a one minute tree hug on the evening of midsummer 2014 at the Botanics. The weather was overcast, but…

Really Wild Veg – Wild carrots start to show their differences

The growing trials for carrots this year have got off to a difficult start as the wild carrot seeds have proved to be both slow to germinate and…

Biological control of pests in glasshouses

The never ending problem of dealing with greenfly and whitefly on the Botanics collection of plants under glass is now being tackled with biological control. Wasps that parasitise…

Hug a tree at midsummer

As part of the midsummer late opening at the Botanics we are having a second shot at breaking the world record for tree hugging. Come along and join…

Really Wild Veg – Cruickshank Botanic Garden

Joshua Pereira, a 3rd year undergraduate studying for a degree in Biology at the University of Aberdeen, is taking on responsibility for the Really Wild Veg plots at…

New Maltese Fern

Stephen Mifsud, botanist and former MSc student at the Garden, has discovered a new fern on the island of Malta. The fern is a new subspecies of Polypodium…

Really Wild Veg – Carrot problems

The carrot trial plots for the Really Wild Veg project were sown on 22nd April this year. Carrots can be notoriously slow to germinate and we have found…

Moth trapping in the Garden

Thanks to the enthusiasm of James and Thomas from the local Developing Ecological Surveying Skills (DESS) team at the SWT office near the Garden there is now a…

Really Wild Veg – 2014 growing trials

Building on the success of the Really Wild Veg trials last year we will be doing further growing trials this year. Last year we grew beet, radish and…

Plants, people and paper in Nepal

At this time of year the early signs of spring are very welcome. In the Chilean Terrace behind the main glasshouse range is an attractive pink Daphne from…