Scotland has some of the world’s finest tree collections, their diversity reflecting the role many individual landowners have played over the centuries, collecting and planting trees from across…
The International Conifer Conservation Programme was established at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in 1991. Since then it has worked to conserve threatened conifers across the globe through…
A recent report published by PLANTLIFE (Still & Byfield, 2007: available here.) begins, “Arable flora is the most threatened group of plants in Britain today”. Arable weeds which…
This is one of the richest areas of the Garden for wildlife. In the whole Garden, more than 460 animal species (mostly invertebrates such as insects and spiders)…
According to Horticulture Week, one-third of world food production and 87.5% of all flowering plant species on Earth depend on pollinators. Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “If…
Why not create a wilderness area in your own garden? For information see these two publications by PLANTLIFE: Grow Wild – Native flowers in your garden and Create…
As part of the horticultural practices module of the HND/BSc in Horticulture with Plantsmanship at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Scottish Agricultural College, first year students are…
As part of the horticultural practices module of the HND/BSc in Horticulture with Plantsmanship at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Scottish Agricultural College, first year students are…
Working with staff at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (University of Texas at Austin), our indoor horticulturists Gunnar Ostvebo and Andrew Ensoll spent three weeks collecting the…
An exciting new development has been realised after nearly a decade of careful planning, design work, fundraising and plant collecting. The dramatic ‘tufa house’, which opens to the…