Category: Edinburgh BotanicsPage 40 of 50


Packaging; one of the 21st century’s environmental issues. The Poplar has a similar issue. How do you protect the gene pool of the next generation? Take a walk…

Hybridising a hybrid

Escallonia ‘Iveyi’ A strong growing, glossy leaved, white blossomed evergreen shrub. A hybrid between E. x exoniensis and E. montevidensis. E. x exoniensis is itself a hybrid of…

Candelabra effect

Fleshy flower spikes sent from zero to 1.7meters in the space (it seems) of days. Galtonia candicans sheltered in the glasshouse borders has reached flowering stage. The upturned…

European Water Lily

The European Water lily, Nymphaea alba graces still freshwater with its pure white flowers. A cosmopolitan plant that is found through Eurasia and into North Africa. Preferring a…

The original Phygelius

A popular plant for summer borders and now bred to visually stun garden centre patrons in various colours. A walk in the rock garden will enlighten you to…

Oh Ho

In the upper woodland is a spectacular and colourful group of Hosta aff. rhodeifolia. A strong growing herbaceous clump with mid green leaves and stunning off blue flower…

Sanguisorba; cartoon character

There is a large patch of Sanguisorba hakusanensis planted to the west of the Garden in F05. Looking at the flowers sitting atop the foliage they could be…

It’s all in the detail

Dierama pendulum is a fabulous plant from the Cape of South Africa. From the base of the long linear foliage the tall statuesque arching flower spikes emerge. White…

Plumes of bloom

Aruncus dioicus, from its dense woody herbaceous rootstock, develops into a mass of foliage bedecked with plumes of white flowers. Reaching 2 metres and as much across, much…

Will Derek travel home?

This is the year of the Homecoming; a year when the Scots Diaspora are encouraged to return to the country of their roots. Over the weekend of 25…

Trumpeting summer

In the F beds near the Gateway building is a group of Hemerocallis exaltata, the flower stalks reach two meters and then the buds burst open. Each trumpet…

Scent, seed and a stink

Valeriana officinalis, a prolific seeder which is possibly why the geographical range is Eurasia. If you grow this herbaceous perennial you are in good company, found in the…

Continents collude

This eye catching combination of colour is a cross continent collusion. The shrubby support is Hypericum forrestii and the scrambler; Tropaeolum speciosum. This combination would not occur without…

For David and Jane; at midsummer, the scent of ripe pineapple

Scents are powerful joggers of memory and a place in time. Competing with the heavy lingering scent of Philadelphus at this time of year is Cytisus battandieri an…

Ecklon’s Everlasting

Helichrysum ecklonis named after Christian Friedrich Ecklon (1795 – 1868). A Dane who first visited South Africa in 1823 as an apprentice apothecary. Developing an interest in the…

Dust bowl

Papaver lateritium collected by Peter Davis on a river bank in the hilly Ikidere district of Rize in Eastern Turkey. Researching the flora of Turkey was Peter Davis’…

On the Appalachian trail

Native to the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern North America; Diphylleia cymosa is an herbaceous member of the family Berberidaceae. A leafy perennial with large peltate leaves, deeply cut…

A Mediterranean treat for the fine weather

At 4.30 am on the 29th May the sun rose and burnt a continuous groove in the sunshine recording card until a cloud passed over the garden at…

Pin ‘n Pod

Foliage to appreciate in a woodland border is how I would describe the leafy growth produced by these two memorable Rodgersia species. Rough and robust. The images show…

The Himalayan Blue Poppy

A new planting of Meconopsis Hybrids can be seen in the woodland garden, one of the best being Meconopsis ‘Slieve Donard’. This hybrid has an Edinburgh city pedigree…