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Latest blog stories connected with learning at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

In memory of Private David Hume (1888-1914)

In memory of Private David Hume, who was killed in action 100 years ago today, on the 26th August 1914, a few weeks short of his 26th birthday….

RBGE at War – Hume and Fallow’s stories

As a fan of eminent plant collector George Forrest (1873-1932), I’d long known that two of his plant introductions had been named after former RBGE gardeners killed in…

Summer Pruning Apples and Pears

Espalier, cordon, fan and step-over are different ways of pruning and training fruit trees. They are highly productive, decorative and make it easier to carry out routine task…

Herbarium specimens collected during World War I

4th August 1914 – collections on the day that war was declared between Britain and Germany On the 4th August 1914 the tension was building during the day…

Really Wild Veg – Cruickshank Botanic Garden

Thanks to Josh at Cruickshank Botanic Garden for providing a further update on progress with the Really Wild Veg growing trials. The carrots grown under glass have all…

Poppies for remembrance 4/8/2014

Today marks the 100 year anniversary since this date in August 1914 when Britain entered what was to become the First World War. As a tribute to all…

Sow winter salads now!

If you want to eat fresh home grown salads throughout the winter August is the time to sow the seed. There are a range of salad leaves that…

Remembering Cornflowers are blue

As the first Poppies (Papaver rhoeas) begin to flower in the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh’s World War One commemoration field we are currently being treated to a mass…

Really Wild Veg – July update

New interpretation panels have been installed to help explain the purpose of the Really Wild Veg growing trials across four gardens in Scotland. At the Botanics the panels…

Really Wild Veg – Wild carrots start to show their differences

The growing trials for carrots this year have got off to a difficult start as the wild carrot seeds have proved to be both slow to germinate and…

Really Wild Veg – Cruickshank Botanic Garden

Joshua Pereira, a 3rd year undergraduate studying for a degree in Biology at the University of Aberdeen, is taking on responsibility for the Really Wild Veg plots at…

Little Free Library at the Botanics

If you have been to the Garden recently you may have spotted our Little Free Library, situated between our Glasshouses and main Science buildings. The concept of a…

Really Wild Veg – Carrot problems

The carrot trial plots for the Really Wild Veg project were sown on 22nd April this year. Carrots can be notoriously slow to germinate and we have found…

World War 1 Poppy Field

The summer of 1914 was the beginning of World War 1. In summertime this year, it will mark 100 years since it began. In memory of those who…

Really Wild Veg – 2014 growing trials

Building on the success of the Really Wild Veg trials last year we will be doing further growing trials this year. Last year we grew beet, radish and…

Cutting the turf for the Botanic Cottage

On Monday the 28th of April 2014 a momentous moment took place in the long project to rebuild the Botanic Cottage – we finally broke ground! To mark…

What’s been eating my broad bean leaves?

This year seems to be a bad year for pea and bean weevil infestations. The adult weevil damages plants by eating notches out of the edge of the…

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh to mark Centenary of First World War with Poppy Field

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) will mark the centenary of the start of the First World War by creating a poppy field at the centre of its…

A masterful monument

In just a few weeks work will have begun on the rebuilding of the Botanic Cottage, the only surviving building of the long lost 18th century incarnation of…

March in the Edible Garden

The days are getting longer and all the lovely weather this week has got everyone thinking about the garden. So here is a quick guide to veg growing jobs…