Category: Other NewsPage 41 of 51

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Lime-rich ledges – arctic alpines

These species rich hanging gardens are home to a diverse and luxuriant mix of dwarf shrubs, tall herbs, bryophtyes, sedges and grasses. This plant community is restricted to…

Hedge your bets 1 of 5

Hedges are integral to the design and ecology of the garden. Forget the quick fix provided by larchlap panels, take time to make a choice of the many…

Greening the Garden

The Phenology Team are busy getting the Garden ready for summer. Every year they make sure that the Great Hedge separating the demonstration garden from the herbaceous border…

Mountain willows – dwarf forests

Willow scrub is the highest altitude tree dominated vegetation in the UK. It is now restricted to rocky slopes and ledges which offer protection from grazing animals. The steep topography…

Coastal cliffs – vertical living

Scotland’s sea cliffs are not only home to seabird colonies, but also to hardy plants that cling to rocky ledges and form grassland communities on the cliff tops….

Shingle beach – coastal pioneers

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink! This line from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge illustrates the dilemma faced by plants…

Snow beds – tough at the top

In the high mountains of Scotland, above 750m altitude, in areas where snow can lie late into the year, strong winds and snow cover influence what species can…

Limestone outcrops – Ice Age survivor

Although limestone outcrops occur at relatively low altitudes in Scotland, strong winds make this a very tough environment for plants. Grikes and crevices in the limestone rock create…

March 2014 Wildlife Report

                March 2014 came in like a lamb but the ‘lion’ arrived around the first weekend with high winds that closed…

Glasshouse Plant Profile: Strongylodon macrobotrys (Jade Vine)

Strongylodon macrobotrys (Jade Vine)  Family: Leguminosae  Description The Jade Vine is named for its spectacular hanging trusses of blooms, up to 3m in length, that are made up…

Pacific plum : Oemleria cerasiformis

This, a deciduous suckering shrub, native to the Pacific coast of North America making a straggling untidy plant. Oemleria cerasiformis, leafs out from the last days of February….

Some bird life highlights on a spring morning

On a walk around the garden on Saturday it was not only the people who were enjoying the plants. The birds were enjoying the garden too. We were…

Open until 23 March – Naturally: Garvald Artists at the Botanics

Over the past four weeks, the John Hope Gateway has been host to an exhibition created by the artists from the Scottish charity Garvald, which supports adults with…

Featured Image: Primula juliae

Primula juliae, a photo by small-things on Flickr. As an experiment we are featuring occasional images from our Flickr group as posts within Botanics Stories ~ starting with…

March in the Edible Garden

The days are getting longer and all the lovely weather this week has got everyone thinking about the garden. So here is a quick guide to veg growing jobs…

Perfect for the woodland floor: Chrysosplenium macrophyllum

A mass planting of Chrysosplenium macrophyllum in the woodland garden is looking its best with a profusion of flowers. Botanically, a terminal cymose inflorescence, a selection of Chrysoplenium…

First bees of the year at the Botanics

I saw a Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) on the Camellia in front of the glasshouse range on 6 March. Heather McHaffie saw a bumblebee on the rhododendron beside…

First hoverflies of 2014!

The warm spring sunshine at lunchtime today brought out not just one but three different species of hoverfly, the first ones seen in the Garden this year. The…

February 2014 Wildlife Report

  Birds Thirty-seven species of birds were recorded in the ‘Botanics’ in February 2014. Highlights were one or two Goosanders on the Pond on three days (9th, 10th,…

Getting ready for Botanic Cottage: Preparing the trees

With just a few months to go before work begins on the rebuilding of Botanic Cottage in the Demonstration Garden, site preparations are now beginning so that we…