Tag: Weekly HighlightsPage 13 of 32
This species is a native to Japan where it establishes on forest margins and in clearings. When in cultivation; enjoying a position on a stream side with exposure…
Acer pectinatum ssp. laxiflora. This Acer flowered well and now we are reaping the benefit of the winged seed. The reddish pink wings envelope the seed, multiples are…
Gentiana ‘Braemar’; raised from Gentian species crossed in East Lothian by Ian McNaughton of Macplants. With possible parentage of G. veitchiorum and G. hexaphylla the result is a…
The deciduous foliage of Tripterygium regelii is yellowing gracefully. This ungainly climber reaches 5 metres in Japan from where seed was collected. In Amori Prefecture it was growing…
The family Euphorbiaceae is more usually associated with the warmth of home at Christmas time when Poinsettias are the house plant of choice. Mallotus japonicus is also a…
Eleutherococcus leucorrhizus is a sparsely spined, deciduous shrub that is growing from a turn of the 20th Century Wilson collection. Native to SW China where it grows in…
Designed, planned and planted by the three Horticulture Apprentices the potager is a collection of vegetables and flowers; in effect a flowering vegetable garden with origins in France….
Passiflora vitifolia a native to Central America. A sturdy and vigorous plant that soon covers a sizeable section of the Orchid and Cycad glasshouse it is growing in….
Despite the wet overcast summer the spikes of bloom on Watsonia pillansii are magnificent. Distinct in the south facing border of the Front Range this native to Eastern…
There is a huge specimen of Ligustrum compactum on the hillside, striving upwards to maximise exposure to the light. It is presently covered in terminal panicles of white…
Dichroa febrifuga is of borderline hardiness in Edinburgh. It requires a warm sheltered spot and protection through the worst of the winter to make a modest shrub ultimately…
A bulb from Temperate South Africa; now growing in a sheltered situation within the confines of the glasshouse borders. Here Eucomis comosa has clumped up well. The foliage…
A mature clump of Cimicifuga japonica is in full flower on the edge of the conifer walk. The scent wafting down from the long plumes these past mild…
Planted in the corner of the herbaceous border is Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’. The leaves; blood red in colour from the tip down. Plant where the sun will reflect…
Growing in the student plots is carpeting annual awash with flower. Nemophila menziesii ‘Pennie Black’; the true species being native to California where it is found in meadows…
This wet summer has given us lush growth; it has also given ideal climatic conditions for the invasion of Red Thread, Laetisaria fuciformis, a fungal disease of turf…
Hydrangea heteromalla is flowering on the lower edge of the Chinese hillside. The large panicles of brilliant white flowers are setting off the canopy under which it grows….
Tight growing and compact this Ophiopogon intermedius with its linear grass like foliage is a good ground cover plant with high drought tolerance. Once planted it will take…
Cornus capitata has a wide range through SW China and the Himalayas. This evergreen, or in very cold winters semi evergreen, is found at lower elevations (around 2300m)…
Paramongaia weberbaueri is a tender bulb native to Peru. The genus is in the family Amaryllidaceae as are Daffodils. Growing to one metre plus; the long linear foliage…