Tag: Weekly HighlightsPage 8 of 32

Selected for autumn colour

Vaccinium arctostaphylos, a deciduous shrub showing full autumn colour. All foliage shines with the vibrancy of this single deep red colour that is attracting so much attention. Amongst…

Watched over by scavenging vultures

                  Even on holiday many RBGE staff are on the lookout for interesting plants. On a trip to Cyprus one…

A swathe of pink in the copse

The vigorous cross, Anemone x hybrida makes a dash of colour in the copse here at the garden. This shaded area with moist soil proving a perfect home…

Clintonia andrewsiana

    Clintonia andrewsiana is sending out a mass of berries on a long stalk. The colour sets them out amongst other ground flora, a shiny lustre setting…

A cottage garden favourite

Larkspur is an easily grown annual that repays the cost of a packet of seed many times over. Sow early spring under glass and transplant into moist soil…

Whisky Bill

In a sunny spot to the south of the rock garden are several plants of Penstemon filiformis. Revelling in this summer’s warmth and flowering profusely in response to…

Poppies for remembrance 4/8/2014

Today marks the 100 year anniversary since this date in August 1914 when Britain entered what was to become the First World War. As a tribute to all…

Not for shelling

Corylus ferox is a native to the Himalayas and NW China, found in association with Acer, Viburnum, Hippophae, Salix, spp. Seed was collected from a 6m x 5m…

Poppies at the RBGE

Hip hip………………………………

Moving away from mid-summer and there are signs that autumn may soon be with us. An ungainly specimen of Rosa sertata is producing hips. These are a deep…


                  The mass planting of Lilium formosanum var. priceii in the peat walls is eye-catching. Two hundred or more trumpets…

Top o’ the mound to you

            Excelling in its position as dominant member of the tufa mound, the recently planted area in front of the alpine house, Calceolaria…

Dancing white flowers

                  The delicate long light linear white petals making up the flowers of Gillenia trifoliata contrast with the red calyx….

Kalmia latifolia

The weather during the past ten months has ensured a flowering season like no other. A long autumn to ripen wood followed by a benign winter and warmth…

White pillars in midsummer week

Mass planting of the white form of Digitalis purpurea are attracting much attention in the woodland garden. These selected seedlings are sown and grown for one year, transplanted…

Pearls of wisdom

This season the Enkianthus campanulatus have flowered prolifically. This, a result of a long warm spring preceded by a hot dry summer ripening the wood. The show does…

Subtle greens for summer

Take a moment to visually absorb the shades of green on the immature flower buds of Maianthemum racemosum. Growing on the edge of the woodland garden it is…

Choice ground cover

        If there was ever a plant that deserved to be in this category it is Polygonatum humile. A delightful herbaceous member of the Ruscaceae…

Stairway to heaven

The crown of the tree fern, Dicksonia antartica, has rushed into life. Catching the warmth from the sun and surrounded by four walls in an enclosed courtyard it…

Rhododendron time

A walk through the Garden will prove rewarding with so many Rhododendrons in flower. In the copse R. orbiculare ssp. orbiculare and R. vernicosum are full of colour….