Search results: "botanic cottage"Page 16 of 27

Restoring a fern wiped out by collectors and botanists

…the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, described collecting oblong woodsia ‘in considerable quantity’ during a botanical excursion he led in July 1856. By 1860 the fern was clearly becoming difficult to…

Cardiocrinum giganteum

…in Nepal. Its flowering in Edinburgh in 1852 in a nursery garden at Comely Bank caused a minor sensation and was reported to the Botanical Magazine by John Hutton Balfour…

Something new

…do. The Nursery holds a collection of new plants from our own expeditions and those of other botanic gardens; wild origin material from Index Seminum (the name for botanic garden…

Summer Roses

…neutral or very slightly acid. Here at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh we deadhead our ornamental roses throughout the summer months. Firstly to encourage repeat-flowering – this prevents your rose…

The Other Library, Archives & Photography Team

A series of posts from our volunteers … Brenda White – A Photography Volunteer Brenda White in action Long ago, when the world was simple, and taking photos involved no…

Postcards from the Biomes: A Show of Fronds

The five Dicksonia antarctica and their bright new fronds at Logan Botanic Garden (Photo: Suzie Huggins) You can read more about the journey of the tree ferns in the BBC…

Benmore redwood avenue celebrates 150th birthday

Redwwod avenue at Benmore Botanic Garden This year is the 150th birthday of the magnificent avenue of redwoods at Benmore. The story behind how this species reached Britain involves a…

More power from Dawyck Hydro.

The Hydro power scheme at Dawyck Botanic Garden was officially launched on the 19th May 2014 by Fergus Ewing MSP, The Minister for Business, Energy and Tourism. It made Dawyck…

Towards 3 million specimens: Prunus spinosa – The Blackthorn Tree of British and Irish Folklore 

…the common name “blackthorn.” A specimen of Prunus spinosa L. in flower in the living collection at Dawyck Botanic Garden by: Gavin Harris during Apr. 2014 –        In…

Towards 3 million specimens: It’s a steal for Magnolias!

The following post was written by Chris Knowles, a digitiser working in the RBGE Herbarium. As part of my first year at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh as a herbarium…

Pucks Hut

botanic garden. The hut is tiled with Western Red Cedar, and panelled with wood representing the timbers of Benmore. It was originally situated in Puck’s Glen, overlooking a wooded ravine…

Plants of India: Introduction

…him via Italy, so the link with India is probably very indirect. The Dutch were among the pioneers of Indian botanical exploration and plants were sent back to the botanic

Final Weeks of I still believe in miracles.

…believe in miracles, Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Juergen Teller, ‘Cerith, Suffolk’, 2011 (Courtesy Studio Juergen Teller); Dan Colen, ‘Blowin in the wind’, 2013 (Courtesy of the artist, Gagosian…

COP15: a ‘Paris moment’ for nature

…was awarded to Professor Jin Chen, former Director of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) and founding chair of the Chinese Union of Botanic Gardens. RBGE Regius Keeper, Simon Milne, was…

Behind the Scenes of Scottish Conservation Horticulture at RBGE with a Robertson Trust Intern

The Scottish Rare Plant Programme is a collaborative project between the Science and Horticulture divisions here at RBGE. Our aim is to identify the ways that we as a botanic

Ficus benghalensis

…Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, which was founded in 1786 as the Calcutta Botanic Garden. The tree began life around 1775 as a seedling in the crown of…

Destination Borneo: N 1̊ 12’ 33”, E 117 ̊ 18’ 22”

…also often quite difficult to access because of their steep inhospitable terrain so they are often poorly explored botanically. Virtually no botanical collections have been made in the area we…

Leea guineensis

Botanic Garden Edinburgh). The plant is now considered to be very widespread, also occurring in South and South-East Asia and the Pacific Islands. Photograph of this accession of Leea guineensis…

Duchesnea indica

31. Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke ROSACEAE In its creeping habit and red fruit, this plant resembles a small strawberry, but its flowers are bright yellow and the fruits are tasteless…

Stories from the Biomes: Moving the Ericaceous Collection

…alphabetically, referring to the living collection database to help make decisions on propagation and reduction of numbers. A small holding collection of surplus plants, which were shared with Glasgow Botanic