The Arboretum team recently had to take down a group of 5 Scots Pine trees behind the Schools Education Building in the Garden. The Schools Education Building also known as…
Why is so much good children’s theatre in Edinburgh on during August when our children are going back to school? This year the Botanics is bringing top quality children’s comedy…
Ben More Botanical Garden during a Plantsmanship course trip The Plantsmanship course at RBGE encompasses a magnitude of topics. Accompanied with SRUC and University of Edinburgh this course offers complete…
Thursday 18th January sees the Botanical Society of Scotland lecture – The greening of the Arctic with Dr Isla Myers-Smith, University of Edinburgh. Isla Myers-Smith is a global change ecologist….
Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s…
Common Alderfly (Sialis lutaria), 13 May 2019. New Garden record. Photo Alan Crawford. On 13 May 2019, Alan Crawford, one of the wildlife photographers that regularly visit the Garden, photographed…
We have been working towards protocols for the management and storage of the RBGE specimens dried in silica gel. The bulk of this material is collected by RBGE staff and…
We collaborated with Sarah Clarkson from Woolly Originals who created a design based on our herbarium specimens of Salix lanata. Sarah visited the Herbarium here at RBGE on a…
Help Make The Filo Pastry Tree at Logan Botanic Garden Woodland Trust Scotland’s Tree of the Year. Please help us to win this award by voting for the tree at…
A casualty of Storm Hector was the loss of our mature Medlar, Mespilus germanica. The large canopy was like a sail gusting in the full force of the 50mph wind…
Surreptitiously snaking up the north-facing wall of Logan’s walled garden, this intriguing climber has a fascinating flower, which unfolds its pale exterior to reveal a blood red throat. The flower’s…
Burning plant material in situ to prevent spreading the disease Visitors to the gardens will be familiar with the foot baths at all entrances. These foot baths are just one…
When we’re working out a protocol or troubleshooting, we spend a lot of time quantifying small quantities of fluids, looking at DNA concentrations on the DeNovix, running tapes on the…
Opposite the Alpine area is a full flowering specimen of Hamamelis virginiana, an autumn blooming species from Eastern North America. Not to be confused with the Chinese species flowering in…
…on Botanics Stories about these at the time and can still be read (Cuckoo:; Nuthatch: Another addition to the current list was Fulmar, one of which flew over…
Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus), 1 February 2019, on Berberis in Queen Mother’s Garden, RBGE. Photo Ken Dobson. February 2019 was the second successive dry, sunny month at RBGE. Rainfall was only…
The Botany 2004 meeting was in Snowbird, Utah – a chance to see a different part of the United States (and, of course, to present our research to the wider…
Following some hair-raising adventures, James Bruce of Kinnaird (1730-1794) was the first white Anglo-Saxon Protestant to reach the fountains of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia. He discounted the claims of…
Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita), 30 August 2019. Photo Ken Dobson. Summer 2019 seems to have been following a pattern, for August 2019, like July, was a month when both sunshine (201.7…