As its winding course runs past Balmoral Castle the River Dee is flanked by a mix of farmland and woodland. Much of the woodland is composed of majestic…
‘It’s not necessarily about fishing, just knowing the salmon are there is what matters’, explains Anson Macauslan, estate manager at Braemore & Langwell Estate, as he drives me…
A story that is told in pictures alone is somehow very satisfying. Nobody needs to be a wordsmith to get the message across. When Chris Puddephatt sent me…
Assisting the migration of plants is something that has already been carried out in a limited way to help them respond to climate change. The concern is that…
Monthly updates on the progress being made to restore the fortunes of some Scotland’s most threatened plants are now available online. The updates, produced by the Garden’s Scottish…
The seed harvest of the annual hemiparasite small cow-wheat (Melampyrum sylvaticum) has produced 50,000 seeds. To read the full monthly update click the ‘download’ button below.
The marsh saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus) is beginning its second season of flowering and is thriving in the ‘Cascade’ created to provide optimal conditions for its cultivation. Water temperature…
Trial translocations of alpine blue-sow-thistle (Cicerbita alpina) at Mar Lodge Estate are thriving with over 80 per cent survival three years after planting. To read the full monthly…
A trial translocation of blaeberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) plants with small cow-wheat (Melampyrum sylvaticum) seeds was carried out at RBGE. The purpose of the trial was to test whether…
Good germination of the native crab apple (Malus sylvestris) underway in the nursery at RBGE. To read the full monthly update click the ‘download’ button below.
Aline and Martine visited Balmoral Estate to explore the potential for species translocation to the estate. To read the full monthly update click the ‘download’ button below.
Max joined a community celebration event organised by the Assynt community and planted the very first plant in a wild site on land adjacent to the Little Assynt…
DNA extraction and genotyping of wych elm (Ulmus glabra) is producing the first data on genetic diversity in this species that has been decimated by Dutch elm disease…
The Scottish Plant Recovery work was presented at the BSBI conference on 4 November to around 200 delegates. To read the full monthly update click the ‘download’ button…
The Scottish Plant Recovery project now has a new shade tunnel at the RBGE nursery. This will provide valuable space for growing plants on prior to translocation to…
A fieldtrip to Holy Island collected seed of the Arran whitebeams (Hedlundia species). These apomictic trees can be challenging to grow from seed due to low viability, so…
Trial crossbreeding carried out between large surviving wych elm (Ulmus glabra) has resulted in about 250 seedlings that will be planted at translocation sites in spring 2024. These…
The Scottish Plant Recovery Team visited Loch Arkaig to study one of the few wild populations of small cow-wheat (Melampyrum sylvaticum) that survives in Scotland. To read the…
The construction of a facility called the ‘Cascade’ provides the very specific environmental requirements for marsh saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus). This species has never before been kept alive in…