Category: Edinburgh BotanicsPage 43 of 50

An African autumn

Standing sentinel to the last days of autumn sunshine is Kniphofia linearifolia. This strong-growing member of the genus is native to southern and eastern Africa, where it has…

A willowy evergreen

Eucryphia moorei produces attractive four-petalled white flowers. In the centre are a multitude of soft paintbrush bristle stamens. The flower is produced on the current season’s growth. From…

The Japanese maple season

The true Acer palmatum is not often seen in gardens as there are a plethora of cultivars in the trade that are marketed well. Acer palmatum is native…

The Indian Pokeweed

Phytolacca acinosa has thick, almost succulent stems. It grows strongly to 1.8 metres with lanceolate leaves. A mass of growth that wilts to mush when the frost arrives….

Natural shading

Celastrus orbiculatus, again from Japan, but found throughout N.E.Asia. This climbing deciduous member of the family Celastraceae can be seen twisting around the external glasshouse support frame, providing…

Fiery red autumn colour

Mid October traditionally sees the start of the autumn colour. Until now a few trees have turned, notably Aesculus and Betula providing the traditional sound of walking and…

An ornamental apple

From Central Asia and the Himalayas Malus pumila is a diverse species; the domestic or sweet apple as it is known or paradise apple in France. Full of…

Amaryllis belladonna

Amaryllis belladonna is a fine flowering bulb from Temperate South Africa. The purple shaded flower stalk grows rapidly to 0.5m from established bulbs. These prefer a well drained…

A giant white Michaelmas daisy

Aster glehni var. glehni was collected in Japan in 2003 on the EJE expedition. This is a giant among the Asters, the very same genus that collects up…

The smell of candyfloss

The autumn colours are developing in the Garden with an increasing presence. One of the regular performers is Cercidiphyllum japonicum, a multi-branched small tree native to China and…

An unusual bedder

Salvia confertiflora is a woody perennial with ridged angular stems. The leaves, soft and felt-like to the touch, are held opposite on the stem. This native of Brazil…

Cool autumn mornings and distant Nerine

As the days shorten and the lawns are laden with dew so the South African bulbous perennial Nerine bowdenii shows its flowers. As regular as clockwork the sudden…

The white flag as summer surrenders to autumn

The group of Anenome x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ on the edge of the Herbaceous Border is full of white petalled flowers at the moment, taking the inevitable early…

A gold storm heralding autumn

Amongst the tallest growing herbaceous plants is Rudbeckia ‘Herbstsonne’, also known in the trade by the English translation, ‘Autumn Sun’. This old cultivar is really only suited to…

The original fly paper

Take a look at the semi-tender perennials in the borders to the south of the Glasshouses Front Range. In one corner is the grey-leaved Salvia discolor, a woody…

The cat’s whiskers.

Definitively formed and with no regard for spatial awareness the stamens on Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii are a delight to observe. The red flower buds (calyx) are segmented…

Form and function

Itea ilicifolia an expansive evergreen shrub collected by Ernest Wilson in Hubei Province at the relatively low altitude of 300 – 900 metres. Initially not thought to be…

A bright spot in a dreich August

This August to date we have had 172.2mm of rain. The average August rainfall in Edinburgh over the past 18 years is 54.9mm. The wettest day was Tuesday…

Seed source

A member of the family Sapindaceae, native to C. and W. China laden with seed capsules, Dipteronia sinensis is a deciduous small tree found in Gansu and Sichuan…

Soft scoop in a cone

The difference in flower shape arrived at through selection and breeding is well illustrated by comparing Hydrangea paniculata and the cultivar Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’ where the panicles can…