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June 2018 Garden Wildlife Report

May’s good weather continued throughout June, which was sunny, warm (hot in the second half) and quite dry. 51 mm of rain fell, only 86% of the long-term…

The Big Botanics BioBlitz and the 1000th Species

A damselfly basking in the sun photographed Philip Gillespie. One of the ways the garden has already celebrated nature and biodiversity this year was to hold the Big…

The Newest Shed in Town!

A fantastic new addition to the RBG Logan estate facilities was handed over in April. The new tractor and storage shed takes pride of place atop the high…

May 2018 Garden Wildlife Report

In contrast to April, May 2018 was warm, dry and sunny. Less than 17 mm of rain fell, only 34% of the long-term average, while there were 213…

Meconopsis ‘Hensol Violet’ by Sam Stapleton

The first day I arrived in Logan Botanic Gardens I was stunned by the beauty of Meconopsis ‘Slieve Donard’, a blue sky-like flower, a purity you could only…

The Dalmatian Laburnum – a first flowering at Logan by Chris Parsons

The walled garden at Logan, provides extra protection for many exotic shrubs and climbers, in what is already a benign climate thanks to the gulf stream. One such…

Arisaemas by Nuala Godfrey

Arisaemas are a genus comprising more than 200 species, commonly known as Jack-in-the-pulpits or cobra lilies. They are tuberous perennials, live for around 20 years, and are usually…

Aristolochia griffithii – a curious climber flowers at Logan Botanic Garden by Katy Merrington

Surreptitiously snaking up the north-facing wall of Logan’s walled garden, this intriguing climber has a fascinating flower, which unfolds its pale exterior to reveal a blood red throat….

Polylepis australis by Vida Svahnstrom

As an intern at Logan, visitors often ask me questions about the garden while I’m working in the beds. One of the plants I am most frequently asked…

Finding The Lost Words at Logan

This year’s regional garden Schools’ Weeks are inspired by the bestselling book ‘The Lost Words’ which is a collaborative project between writer Robert Macfarlane and artist Jackie Morris…

Pride Tree

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is committed to supporting equality, diversity and inclusion. On 16 June, RBGE staff, students, volunteers and their supporters will be marching through Edinburgh…

Upcoming Talks during the Big Botanics BioBlitz this Saturday

As part of our BioBlitz festivities, we are hosting four fabulous speakers to talk on a range of wildlife-related topics.   999 and counting… Recording Biodiversity at RBGE…

Chelsea Flower Show 2018

  This year was my first year at Chelsea. I was lucky enough to be able to work at Chelsea for Kevock garden plants. The display had a…

Field Notes from a Hidden City

Among the stellar line-up of nature writers speaking at the Connect With Nature festival at the RBGE this weekend we have Esther Woolfson in conversation with Chitra Ramaswamy…

April 2018 Garden Wildlife Report

April 2018 began as March had ended – snow, rain and cold. Flooding throughout the Garden on 4th meant that it had to be closed as none of…

A fine Rhodo

Nestled into the flora in the sunken courtyard to the north of the centre glasshouse is a fine specimen of Rhododendron annae. A Forrest collection from SW China,…

The beauty of Paris

Destined for the bucket

Easily introduced to the garden when lifting and dividing Snowdrops from another area; Allium paradoxum is an invasive coloniser of cultivated ground. This form of wild garlic has…

The IMPRESSIONS project: Our climate future?

Developing strategies to manage high-end climate change in Scotland and Europe IMPRESSIONS (Impacts and risks from high-end scenarios: Strategies for innovative solutions) is a 5-year EU project that…

An 1850s major visitor attraction and other historical Garden wildlife records

Recently I was fortunate to be given a folder of clippings and photocopies from various sources, ranging from two 1935 faunas of Midlothian to extracts from the Garden’s…