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Stories not categories under anything else

Ganoderma wood decay on Nothofagus betuloides

The extent of decay of Nothofagus betuloides by Ganoderma revealed.

A tale of two Toothworts

Toothworts (Lathraea: family Orobanchaceae) are a small genus of parasitic plant. Two species – one native, the other introduced – occur in Britain and both are currently (April…

Cirsium purpuratum EIKJE 212

A chance encounter with a Japanese Serow made this collection of Cirsium purpuratum in 2013 especially memorable.

Connect with Nature Festival

Nature writing can begin with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. We have brought together a diverse group of writers for our first Botanics nature…

March 2018 Garden Wildlife Report

In many ways the weather of March 2018 was the reverse of February. A common factor was that both months were colder than average. However, in contrast to…

The Strange Grotto

The definite article is important: the feature referred to, part of a gigantic designed landscape at the gateway to the Scottish Highlands, is romantic rather than peculiar. The…

Blair Castle

  When we arrived at Blair Castle, we were met by a 15-foot-high steel gate, complete with shiny padlock. It opened on Easter weekend – a week away…

A concept to modernise RBGE

During the Plantsmanship course, we were given the task of proposing a concept to improve the accessibility of the RBGE collection. RBGE is diversely accessible to a multitude…

Alternative Methods for Collecting Plant Material for Future DNA Extraction – Part I

Quality and quantity of DNA recovered from stored plant material is becoming more important as DNA sequencing technologies change from the relatively simple Sanger sequencing, to next generation…

Me & My Bee Lands at the Botanics

Why is so much good children’s theatre in Edinburgh on during August when our children are going back to school? This year the Botanics   is bringing top quality…

Crarae Gardens: The Campbell Legacy

At its inception by the Campbells over a century ago, Crarae Gardens’ Reginald Farrer was plant hunting across the world in China, Nepal, and Tibet, creating Britain’s best…

Is Plantsmanship the best HND course in Scotland for horticulture?

The Plantsmanship course at RBGE encompasses a magnitude of topics. Accompanied with SRUC and University of Edinburgh this course offers complete immersion into the plant world. Few courses…

February 2018 Garden Wildlife Report

February 2018 was a very sunny and dry month but slightly colder than average. Rainfall was only 34.8 mm (74% of the long-term average), and most of it…

Growing greener credentials at Logan Botanic Garden

Logan Botanic Garden, one of Dumfries & Galloway’s leading visitor attractions, has underscored its commitment to saving the environment by being one of the first Gardens in Scotland…

In memory of Private James Christopher Adam (1882-1918), and his brother Lt. Robert Moyes Adam (1885-1967)

The 21st March 2018 marks the centenary of the death of Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) Helper James Christopher Adam. He was the older brother of RBGE’s photographer…

New signage is coming to Inverleith

The installation of new welcome and navigation signage for the Edinburgh Garden starts on Wednesday 21 March and will continue for a couple of weeks. You may have…

The Battle of Glen Tilt

“was ye at the Glen o’ Tilt, An’ did the shindy see, man? John Hutton Balfour, Regius Keeper at the RBGE and Professor of Botany at the University…

Naturalist and writer Mark Cocker headlines Connect with Nature festival at the RBGE

Among the growing list of writers, poets, illustrators and song-writers who have signed-up for the RBGE’s first nature writing festival, Connect with Nature, over the weekend 19/20th May,…

In memory of Lance Sergeant James Maxwell Hampson (1891-1918)

The 8th March 2018 marks the centenary of the death of James Maxwell Hampson, former labourer at RBGE. He was born in around May 1891 in Neston, Cheshire,…

The Joy of Life

Max Ernst’s painting, La Joie de Vivre, was the inspiration for a remarkable piece of body art, by Edinburgh College student Lori Walker, photographed recently in the temperate…