Category: Other NewsPage 6 of 51

Stories not categories under anything else

Cleaner greener tools for the Garden

RBGE horticulturists are working to reduce the environmental impact of maintaining the Garden, with benefits for all.

Wangari Maathai 1940—2011

Wangari Maathai who did so much to restore, conserve and campaign for the forest environment for the benefit of local people and their way of life in Kenya and across Africa. Everywhere the natural world is being depleted and habitats lost, Wangari’s life and actions are an inspiration to us all. This article discusses a tree planted in her memory in the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and how it came to be. The article was written by Garden Guides, Helen Mitchell and Irene Paterson.

Frieda Christie – 28 Years at RBGE

After nearly 28 years at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), Frieda Christie, our Microscopy Lab manager, will be retiring at the end of September. To celebrate Frieda’s…

10 years of collaboration, 200 years of collections and one more piece in the jigsaw of understanding plant life on Earth.

H.J. Atkins & A. Kartonegoro Published today in the Edinburgh Journal of Botany, with an abstract in Indonesian, is the first ever revision of the genus Cyrtandra on…

A Yorkshire copy of Bentham’s Illustrated Handbook of the British Flora

Elsewhere I’ve admitted to suffering from a condition called beziehungswahn, a mania for making connections. There is a particular satisfaction when the connections made are between divergent and…

Botanic Cottage Cook Club Late July 2021

Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s been freshly prepared by the group. Sadly, the Botanic Cottage is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we won’t let that stop us! Cottage Cook Club tutor Ailsa has prepared some great recipes from store cupboard ingredients to encourage us to keep home cooking and keep eating right. Over to Ailsa…

Let’s Do Net Zero

To mark World Nature Conservation Day, RBGE is joining the Scottish Government’s #LetsDoNetZero campaign to highlight the importance of protecting our planet and tackling climate change. Below you’ll…

Botanic Cottage Cook Club Late June 2021

Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s been freshly prepared by the group. Sadly, the Botanic Cottage is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we won’t let that stop us! Cottage Cook Club tutor Ailsa has prepared some great recipes from store cupboard ingredients to encourage us to keep home cooking and keep eating right. Over to Ailsa…

Growing ferns from spores in Nepal

At the National Botanic Garden of Nepal (NBG)[1] there is a grove of Cyathea spinulosa which draws crowds of visitors and the tall plants are the backdrop of…

Diamond is a researchers best friend- the evolution of the Edinburgh Journal of Botany

The Edinburgh Journal of Botany was established in 1900 by the then Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden (RBGE), Isaac Bayley Balfour. Published under the title, Notes…

Plant Pot Pride

Peter Wilkie reporting for RBGE Pride Group The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is fully committed to supporting human as well as plant diversity. Since 2017, the Garden has officially taken part in the annual Edinburgh Pride march and…

Early botanising in Upper Teesdale

by Frank Horsman A number of botanists have been overlooked in the botanical recognition of Upper Teesdale. My aim is to put this right. The unrecognised botanical pioneer…

Botanic Cottage Cook Club Early May 2021

Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s been freshly prepared by the group. Sadly, the Botanic Cottage is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we won’t let that stop us! Cottage Cook Club tutor Ailsa has prepared some great recipes from store cupboard ingredients to encourage us to keep home cooking and keep eating right. Over to Ailsa…

Hidden Histories: Stories found in the George Forrest archive – The Temple of the Goddess of Mercy

I am fortunate to be able to work with archive material produced by people like plant collector George Forrest (1873-1932), who travelled extensively in Yunnan province, southwest China…

A visit to Leny Glen

A party from RBGE was invited to see the recent restoration work undertaken by Janis Binnie on the plantings in the lower part of Leny Glen, Callander, Perthshire….

A garden visitor and his ‘stolen’ book – 2

In the first of these Botanics Stories we introduced the weaver botanist John Duncan and his friend Charles Black. In this blogpost we give some details about John’s…

A garden visitor and his ‘stolen’ book – 1

The visitor On the 17th of November 1874 an elderly working weaver – ‘compelled in his destitution’ – applied for poor relief in the Aberdeenshire parish of Alford….

Botanic Cottage Cook Club Late April 2021

Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s been freshly prepared by the group. Sadly, the Botanic Cottage is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we won’t let that stop us! Cottage Cook Club tutor Ailsa has prepared some great recipes from store cupboard ingredients to encourage us to keep home cooking and keep eating right. Over to Ailsa…

Lessons from Lockdown – Connecting with Nature

After a remarkable year we are taking time to reflect on how accessing green spaces, growing, or connecting with nature has helped us. We have asked our amazing community groups and staff to share some of their top tips from a very strange year.

Botanic Cottage Cook Club Early April 2021

Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s been freshly prepared by the group. Sadly, the Botanic Cottage is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we won’t let that stop us! Cottage Cook Club tutor Ailsa has prepared some great recipes from store cupboard ingredients to encourage us to keep home cooking and keep eating right. Over to Ailsa…