Search results: "stories from the biomes "Page 13 of 26

The real deal

The Crocus chrysanthus cultivar ‘Snow Bunting’ emerged unscathed from the Siberian snow that fell in quantity last week. Predominantly white petals with purple and yellow striations at the base. Should…

Mikania micrantha: The Forest Killer Invading Nepal a Mile-a-Minute

We just published “Mikania micrantha: its status and impact on people and wildlife in Nepal” in a new book, Invasive Alien Plants: Impact on Development and Options for Management, from

Exhibition: Botanical Women

…light some underexplored narratives within the interwoven histories of medicine and botanical illustration, particularly those of women. To complement this work I have curated a small exhibition in the John…

To rival the Lilac in scent and colour

A perennial herb grown for its flavoursome foliage; Chives, Allium schoenoprasum, is also a reliable flowering plant. When cutting for the kitchen, slice as far down the leaf as possible…

A concept to modernise RBGE

During the Plantsmanship course, we were given the task of proposing a concept to improve the accessibility of the RBGE collection. RBGE is diversely accessible to a multitude of demographics….

Origin of the Edinburgh potato

The Edinburgh potato is a small piece of the Garden’s historical association with food crops and food security dating back to the time of our Regius Keeper Sir Isaac Bayley…

Fresh growth

With the Garden full of spring colour it is good to remember the lesser things that draw the plantings together within the garden. Running through the soil atop the east…

Keep Edinburgh Buzzing! A free online course

Could you identify these pollinators? A brand new, free, online course launches in March 2018. ‘Keep Edinburgh Buzzing’ is a joint venture between the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh (RBGE),…

DNA extraction protocol for long read sequencing; DNA extraction for state-of-the-art sequencing

Kanae Nishii, Michael Möller, Michelle Hart Introduction Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) (or Second Generation Sequencing) and the plethora of associated applications has revolutionised biodiversity research. The dream of whole genome…

Botanic Cottage Cook Club early August 2020

Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s…

Orchid appears in Living Lawn

Next to the Front Range and within sight of the Library and Herbarium two small squares of lawn have been transformed into flower-rich ‘living lawns’ as part of an experiment…

Incredible Autumn

You may have noticed a slight chill to the air and a softer, golden quality to the morning light, which can only mean one thing: autumn is here. Our late…

New signage is coming to Inverleith

The installation of new welcome and navigation signage for the Edinburgh Garden starts on Wednesday 21 March and will continue for a couple of weeks. You may have noticed in…

January 2018 Garden Wildlife Report

Female Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), 25 January 2018. Photo Robert Mill. January 2018 was, like December 2017, a mixture of cold snaps and slightly milder spells. Snow fell and lay on…

Looking for Prumnopitys andina in gardens around the world

Martin Gardner (@RBGE_ICCP ) is looking for cultivated trees of the threatened Chilean Plum Yew – Prumnopitys andina If you are growing Prumnopitys andina or know of it growing in…

Meet the Gardener 2020

It’s a new year and time to announce our ‘Meet the Gardener’ sessions as part of the Edible Gardening project. Did you know that we run weekly Meet the Gardener…

The best transient yellow of the season

Magnificent in full autumn colour Lindera obtusiloba has turned evenly butter rich yellow. The exception being the red leaf petioles which are seen when looking closer at this spectacular example…

July 2018 Garden Wildlife Report

Green Leafhopper (Cicadella viridis), 27 July 2018. New Garden record. Photo Ken Dobson. July 2018 was yet another very sunny and warm month at RBGE. The mean maximum temperature was…

Review of the Year – 2018

Following on from a Met Office decreed White Christmas in 2017, Edinburgh had a day of snow and then Storm Dylan blew through on the 31st. Fortuitously, the wind speed…

Goodbye to old friend 19665087A – Ostrya carpinifolia

There is a certain quiet bench in the Edinburgh garden where lunch can be enjoyed even on the most crowded of days. In addition to its seclusion the bench faces…