Once a fortnight we hold a cook club at the Botanic Cottage. Anyone is welcome to join us to learn new cooking skills and to enjoy a healthy meal that’s…
To crowdsource information and tasks is an everyday part of the interconnected online world we live in. Today scientists see, and have grasped, the opportunity to get labour intensive tasks…
The current, unprecedented scale of fire in the Amazon, the largest area of tropical rainforest in the world, a biodiversity hotspot, and a crucial resource in the fight against the…
A wet day brings out the best in the Alchemillas. Alchemilla alpina is one of the smaller growing species, native to Europe and Greenland. This clump forming herb folds its…
Mountain flowers are placed on the gate, Bistorta, Cremanthodium and, Potentila can be seen here. On our 2017 expedition to far west Nepal we spent much of our…
Pterostyrax hispida is a choice tree native to shaded edges of forests in China and Japan. Growing at RBGE in the F beds it is now in full flower. Individual…
Black Lace-weaver (Amaurobius ferox), 2 February 2018. Photo Lucy Cooke. February 2018 was a very sunny and dry month but slightly colder than average. Rainfall was only 34.8 mm (74%…
During a family holiday to Santiago, Panama in June/July 2011, we snuck in a short bryologising trip, first heading west along the Pan-American Highway, then north, to the small town…
Keen to see the effects of different specimen preservation techniques on DNA quantity and quality, we have assessed extractions of DNA from nine Begonia accessions x seven preservation treatments (room…
Since the last post I have kindly been provided with further pictures from the ringing when Will Hinchliffe took the photo he posted on Twitter. Peter Wilson, also of the…
Growing on the south facing wall of the glasshouses in full sun is Clematis henryi. Found growing naturally at forest margins, on shady slopes amongst shrubs and along streams through…
Two herbaceous perennials that originate in North America are in flower at the garden. The Aquilegia was collected as seed in British Columbia growing in full sun on the dry…
The plethora of international connections within RBGE has its botanical and personal perks. In the summer, before starting my second year of the Plantsmanship HND, I spent 5 weeks doing…
Big Botanics Bioblitz 2018 Saturday the 9th of June Calling nature enthusiasts, experts, recorders, learners! Can you help us to discover and celebrate the biodiversity of the Edinburgh garden? RBGE…
…longii. It seems that David really does have an affinity for the plant, having gone out and found some even before it was named for him! http://stories.rbge.org.uk/archives/22890 http://stories.rbge.org.uk/archives/22056 http://stories.rbge.org.uk/archives/20892…
McBeath’s name on the RBGE war memorial, 20a Inverleith Row. Henry McBeath was from Rogart in Sutherland, born in November 1878 to James McBeath, a farm grieve (foreman) and his…
One of the workshops at this years Connect with Nature Conference was titled “A Blueprint for Wellbeing”. It was a collaborative experiment between artist Natalie Taylor and medical herbalist Anna…
Now that the Cherry blossom fades the Lilacs are providing continuity of colour Syringa x persica (a hybrid between S. afghanica x laciniatata.) The “Persian Lilac” is an old hybrid…
A huge mass of Osmunda regalis has been dug out on its eighteenth anniversary, see attached image. A mass of fibrous root is a characteristic of this terrestrial fern. When…
…moist soil and will thrive in sun or partial shade. Widely spread through China in grassland, at riversides on slopes, forest margins and understories at 900 – 3200m. Ligularia dentata…