Search results: "stories from the biomes "Page 21 of 26

Lodoicea maldivica

…further losses. Collection of the very bizarre seeds is also a problem. Research supported by the Seychelles government is being conducted to try to conserve this remarkable palm.…

Subtle sight

Planted in the early 1990’s from seed collected in Canada, (though native to eastern north America) the large crowned Juglans cinerea is flowering for the first time. Take a look…

Students’ Stories: “George Herbert Cave” by Dean Blake, 3rd Year Horticulture with Plantsmanship student at RBGE

George Herbert Cave of Windsor, southeast England (1872-1965), was a botanist and plant collector who rapidly rose to prominence in the Victorian era. He collected plants in Sikkim in northeast…

Ravenea glauca

…800 trees left in its natural habitat, people harvesting wild seed for the international horticultural trade will be putting pressure on the ability of wild populations to regenerate.…


…Himalayas. Our Flora of Nepal Trail shares the stories of 14 fascinating species of Nepalese plants, some of which you may know and some which are less familiar. Learn how…

Pearls on the mulch

The closed, rounded petals of Pieris japonica ‘Snowdrift’ are strewn beneath the plant growing in the F beds. Freshly mulched the contrast between the organic layer and these discarded pearl…

Hatiora gaertneri

…grows in protected forests in Brazil and researchers are working to help preserve more land to conserve the amazing plants and wildlife that live with the Easter cactus.…

Food Forever

…It also aligns closely to another public engagement consortium in which we play an active part – the BigPicnic project which has been the subject of previous Botanics Stories (….

Silk threads but not from a Mulberry

The flowers of Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus are delicate in composition, resembling silk threads. The plant is a short lived perennial sending flower stalks up to 180mm. These petals, in…

January 2017 Garden Wildlife Report

the first Scottish record of the leafhopper Idiocerus herrichi, found wintering near the Pond on 18th. See the separate Botanics Stories post at for the full story of this…

Seed stock

Looking through the naturalised areas where Snowdrops and Winter Aconites provided the colour during winter the Eranthis hyemalis are ready to shed their seed. The seed capsules, held above the

Rhododendron taxifolium

…in cultivation. Due to the size of our vireya collection the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is at the forefront of both research and conservation of these beautiful plants.…

Learning on the job: students make valuable scientific discoveries

“Hey Zoë, we’ve found a Pinguicula!” “I doubt it, they don’t grow in Belize.” “Well, this is definitely a Pinguicula.” With that conversation shouted across a hillside, we knew that…

First Audio Leaflet: Dawyck Scottish Trees Trail

…Leaflet with more information about the trail. This would give visitors the opportunity to listen to addition stories, facts and folklore about the trees as they walked the trail. It…

Interleaving in the RBGE Collections, Part 2: British Marine Algae

By Hannah Swan In this second part of the series on interesting insertions in RBGE volumes, I will delve into the various insertions in an 1874 copy of W.H. Grattann’s…

A perennial daisy

The space around one of the alpine troughs is awash with a multitude of small daisy like flowers. From minute green button buds white ray florets quickly turn shades of…

September 2015 Garden Wildlife Report

…with a photograph has already appeared in Botanics Stories ( The good weather meant that September was another good butterfly month, with six species recorded: Peacock (four dates between 2nd…

Encephalartos lebomboensis

…result, many cycads, including this southern African species, are threatened. Luckily many countries and botanic gardens around the world are working to conserve cycads and their natural habitats.…

Podcast: Dodgy Joints at Fifty?

…and Marc Fallis from SG Access explaining what is going on.   Work began in late summer and will continue till Christmas (photo: SG Access) A few brackets were…

Acacia dealbata (mimosa silver wattle), on the temperate walkway of the glasshouses

Family: Mimosaceae Description Acacia dealbata is an evergreen tree with noticeably angular shoots and bears true bipinnate filigree effect, blue-green leaves. The highly fragrant pom pom flowers are arranged in…