By Hannah Swan While browsing our Rare Book Collection, we recently came across a boxed book that was as of yet uncatalogued in our online system, Kurtzes Handbüchlein und Experiment…
By Hannah Swan Half-Title Plate Paolo Boccone’s Recherches et Observations Naturelles de Monsieur BOCCONE, Gentilhomme Sicilien…, published in the translated French in 1674 in Amsterdam, offers several tantalizing clues of…
…Hofbauer at RBGE: Building on building mosses, a return to Schistidium in the built environment Volunteering at the Botanics – bryophytes in our living landscape Campylopus introflexus, an…
This Thursday sees the Botanical Society of Scotland Christmas lecture – Wildlife from a wild place: the flora and fauna of Glencoe National Nature Reserve with Dan Watson from National…
A new twist in the story of the Edinburgh potato (Solanum xedinense) could be the most interesting yet. Late blight (Phytophthora infestans) symptoms were found on many of the potatoes…
On the western edge of the copse are specimens of Enkianthus chinensis flowering in profusion. The bell shaped flowers are produced by the dozen in pendulous racemes, held in suspension…
A herbarium is a collection of preserved plants (known as specimens) stored, catalogued and arranged systematically. The specimens that are stored in the herbarium are a working reference collection used…
O. halleri flowers between May and early July Oxytropis halleri commonly known as Mountain Milk-vetch is a Nationally Rare plant confined only to Scotland. The species can be found at…
Anemone nemorosa provides a carpet of white or light blue flowers lasting several weeks. Colonising the woodland floor where deciduous canopies are not causing excessive shade. Appreciate these beneath the…
Borneo lies at the heart of Southeast Asia, and has some of the most diverse equatorial rainforest in the world. However a considerable portion of this diversity remains hidden and…
Forsythia giraldiana a wild collected species from China produces a delicate scent from butter yellow flowers on deciduous wood. In other areas of the garden the ground flora has developed…
The rainbow symbol is used to represent peace, hope, joy, inclusion and diversity. During the current public health crisis, created by the Covid-19 virus, it has also come to represent…
The kirkyard at Fortingall in Perthshire has, for several centuries, been a magnet for tourists with an arboricultural bent – for the sake of its ancient yew. This relic is…
Anemone vitifolia (see below) When the museum and library of the East India Company, following its inheritance by the India Office of the British government, was dispersed in 1879 its…
The Herbaceous Border at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is 165m long and is backed by one of Britain’s finest beech hedges. The border is currently a riot of colour…
…cost of your PCR, as well as giving you twice as many samples to load onto your gels… See also: Botanics Stories: Sparking additions in the Molecular Lab.…
A new word was added to my vocabulary last week, as also a generic usage for one long known to me from Indian pursuits. Curiously these were made during an…
Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas), 25 May 2018. Photo Lucy Cooke. In contrast to April, May 2018 was warm, dry and sunny. Less than 17 mm of rain fell, only 34%…
Polygonatum verticillatum (also known as Whorled Solomon’s Seal) is a rare and endangered perennial plant of steep sided wooded gorges; now only found at nine locations in the UK, all…
Plants sustain nearly all life on Earth: protecting plants is thus protecting life itself. 2020 has been designated the International Year of Plant Health, and as part of this, Sibbaldia…